• Mental Health

    Don’t Slip: The Art of Creating Balance

    Working overtime painting for my upcoming art show has shown me the importance of balance. While I’ve been so focused on creating the art, I have let other areas of my slip. There’s dishes in the sink, laundry is piling up and what’s a friend? So I set out to achieve it or at least find a process to work towards achieving balance. I read articles and made memes of inspirational quotes. What? Did you say something? I thought that those things cured everything! Basically, that’s what I found. A whole lot of nothing but a bunch of lists of random mind fuck techniques. Nothing truly inspiring. Nothing got past…

  • Creativity

    The Art of Starting Over and Over Again

    There’s a hope that when we start creating a new habit that we’ll master it and never have to worry about it again, or when we start a new project that it’ll go perfectly. Unfortunately, life never goes according to our plans. We travel, and eating and exercise habits go out the door. We get sick, and our meditation habit falls off. We have visitors, and our creative project falls into a deep abyss. I know from my own experience that habits and projects are a messy affair. We get good at building and maintaining 5-6 habits, or we get off to an amazing start with a new project, and…